Volume 24 Number 2 |
May 2012 |
What's in this Issue
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President's Report

It has been a
relatively quiet start to the new year. We presented prizes to graduates
from the Christmas RMC courses at the start of the year.
Several Association members attended the QUR Anzac Day ceremony at Toowong,
but as the Regiment still had not been able to use the depot the usual
breakfast was not available.
As the return to the depot was soon to occur the Association decided to wait
till that time to conduct the annual “Back to the Regiment” function, but as
usual in life the return was delayed making it impossible to conduct the
function at a suitable time. It is understood that QUR will conduct an all
ranks dinner to celebrate the return to the depot.
I would remind members that the AGM for the Association will be conducted on
7 September 2012 at the United Service Club. Please enter it in your diary.
We are awaiting confirmation of our guest speaker but he promises to be very
experienced and interesting. You won’t want to miss this one.
A very important part of the AGM and dinner is the appointment of the
executive management committee who will oversee the operations of the
Association. The current committee has been in place for quite some time. As
usual it is always beneficial to renew the committee to bring new enthusiasm
and ideas to the Association. Even though the AGM is a few months off I
appeal to members to consider nominating for the positions within the
executive management committee. Should you consider that you could serve on
the committee please contact me so I can arrange for the appropriate
nomination procedure to be completed. On a personal note I would be very
happy to hand over the office of President of the Association.
The work on the preservation of the history of QUR continues. Currently I am
waiting on recent Commanding Officers to contribute to the updated version
of the published history of QUR so an updated version can be published.
We are slowly contacting lost members to ensure that we have their current
contact addresses. It is a slow job but an important one.
Each newsletter I appeal for members to consider writing a few lines about
their experiences in QUR. It does not have to be a long document. A few
lines will be great. For example – “I remember wearing battle dress and like
most, the jacket and the pants were made from different batches of material.
You were lucky to get a set of battle dress which matched.”
I wish you all good health.

Report May 2012

I am pleased to present my
second update as CO of QUR.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate my predecessor COL Tim
O’Brien on his promotion and appointment to the new ‘Colonel –
Capability’ role within Headquarters 11 Brigade. This will be a
challenging role and he will have responsibility for overseeing
substantial change in the Brigade in implementing PLAN BEERSEHBA
QUR’s mission is “To deliver specified Individual Training in
accordance with the Directed Training Requirement in order to
support 2 DIV force generation”. In the last four months QUR has
achieved this mission through the conduct of 11 course types, in
17 sessions, over 143 days of training to about 400 trainees. I
have been very impressed by the application, diligence and
commitment of the QUR team in delivering this quantity of
training in such a short time.
In February it was my pleasure to attend the commissioning of 7
QUR graduates at RMC. These officers performed well on their
final training block and all received their first or second
Corps choice (five to Infantry and two allocated to Signals). LT
Condon, from NQ Coy, won the Tactics Prize for the graduating
class. I wish them well in their careers.
March saw QUR the subject of a Unit Establishment Review (UER).
In 2011 HQ 2 DIV initiated a UER process for all of the
University Regiments (UR). The intent was to standardise the
structures of the UR, to align resources to the mission of each
UR and to identify opportunities to redeploy resources to meet
the PLAN BEERSHEBA targets. Over a period of a week each UR has
participated in a detailed review with the Army Headquarters UER
Team and HQ 2 DIV staff that critically reviewed every position
and every piece of equipment allocated to the unit. The result
of this is a UE proposal for each UR that has been refined
before presentation to the Chief of Army for approval. There
will be some changes to QUR aimed at ensuring it is properly
structured and resourced. These changes will be in place for 1
January 2013. Overall, QUR will remain the second largest UR
behind SUR.
QUR was again heavily engaged in supporting ANZAC Day
activities. We were pleased to support the Toowong RSL Sub
Branch service and were delighted at the large turnout and their
appreciation of our honour guard and catafalque party. QUR also
had 92 members in the 11 Brigade contingent for the Brisbane
march. Notably QUR’s colours were paraded alongside the colours
of 25/49 RQR and 9 RQR.
We celebrated the Regimental Birthday on 1 May with a unit
potted sports activity and a BBQ. This informal occasion,
attended by MAJGEN Pearn, marked the 80th anniversary year of
the first raising of the Queensland University Detachment and
the 62nd anniversary of the official raising of the unit in
I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some other
outstanding individual performances recognised during this
• The following OCDTs received Student of Merit on recent
Training Blocks (TB):
TB1 – OCDT Bobbin;
TB2 - OCDT Clarkson;
TB2 - OCDT Jarvie;
TB3 - OCDT Tuffley; and
TB4 - OCDT Morris.
• SGT Elona Drain was awarded a Bronze Commendation for her
significant contribution to QUR through her years of work in
Jacka Coy.
• Mr Paul Andersen was presented an Australia Day Award for
diligence and performance during his work in the unit Q store.
After some unanticipated delays we expect to be able to reoccupy
the St Lucia Depot in June. We will reschedule our major
regimental and social activities to allow maximum participation.
Scientia ac Labore
Mark Armstrong
Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Officer Queensland University Regiment
Toowong Memorial Park
ANZAC Day 2012
Speech by Lieutenant Colonel Mark Armstrong
Honoured veterans, distinguished guests, fellow Australians and all
those who share this solemn remembrance with us…
On this morning, on the 97th anniversary of ANZAC
day, Australians remember with pride and sadness the bravery and
sacrifice of our soldiers who landed at Anzac Cove on that first ANZAC
Throughout Australia and across the world, groups of Australians are
doing the same. In this early morning light we gather to commemorate our
darkest hours, our bravest moments, our most tragic losses.
This morning’s ceremony is not about the glory of war. Nor is it about
military triumphs. It cannot be. Gallipoli, the wellspring of this day,
was no military triumph, even if it endures as a triumph of the human
ANZAC Day, this ceremony, is first of all about remembering.
The first dawn services sprung up spontaneously and informally, in the
trenches on the western front in 1916, in London and in Australia, as
comrades remembered their mates who had fallen the year before. As we
gather here today, we are connected to our past, as we remember the
sacrifice and achievements of our servicemen.
We remember the ANZACs for demonstrating incredible fortitude,
mateship and bravery, which inspires us still.
We remember the debt we owe to the generations that came before
us, people who did things so extraordinary that they test our powers to
We remember that the sacrifice required in war is not merely
borne by those who serve in uniform but is shared by families and
We remember that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and we thank
those that have served and are serving in the Australian Defence Force.
On this day, we can pause to recognise the sacrifices that this current
generation of Australians is making. Today, our servicemen and women in
Afghanistan, Timor Leste, Solomon Islands and many other places around
the world will take a pause from the busy operations, gathering in small
intimate dawn services, and feel a strong connection with their mates,
their Australian history and with us here in Australia.
I assure you that they deeply appreciate your support, and take great
heart knowing that they are in the thoughts of so many Australians here.
Sadly, they will unveil 10 new names, on the monuments in Tarin Kowt,
Afghanistan and Dili, Timor Leste, that have been added to the honour
roll in the last year.
May all these brave service personnel rest proudly in the knowledge of
their achievements, and may our successors and we prove worthy of their
It is the duty of all of us to ensure that those who lost their lives in
service to our countries did not do so in vain.
And to remind ourselves of the inscription seen on war memorials around
the world:
“When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For your tomorrow, we gave our today.”
We honour them.
The following photos were taken at the
Sylvan Rd Ceremony

Coy Honour Guard
Honorary Colonel QUR, MAJGEN John Pearn, and CO QUR, LTCOL
Mark Armstrong, laying wreaths at the ANZAC Day Ceremony |
 |
A poem to read on ANZAC Day!
(Supplied by Rod Hardaker)
He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the RSL,
Telling stories of the past
Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.
And 'tho sometimes to his
His tales became a joke,
All his mates listened quietly
For they knew whereof he spoke.
But we'll hear his tales no
For ol' Bob has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer
For a Soldier died
He won't be mourned by
Just his children and his
For he lived a
very ordinary,
quiet sort of life.
He held a job and raised a
Going quietly on his way;
And the world won't note
his passing,
'Tho a Soldier died today.
When politicians leave
this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their
And proclaim that they
were great.
Papers tell of their life
From the time that they
were young
But the passing of a
Goes unnoticed, and
Is the greatest
To the welfare of our
Some jerk who breaks his
And cons his fellow man?
Or the ordinary fellow
Who in times of war and
Goes off to serve his
And offers up his life?
The politician's stipend,
And the style in which he
Are often
To the service that he
While the ordinary
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps a pension
- small.
It's so easy to forget
For it is so many times
That our Bobs and Jims and
Went to battle, but we
It is not the politicians
With their compromise and
Who won for us the freedom
That our country now
Should you find yourself
in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some
With his ever-waffling
Or would you want a
Soldier -
His home, his country, his
Just a common Soldier,
Who would fight until the
He was just a common
And his ranks are growing
But his presence should
remind us
We may need his like
For when countries are in
We find the Soldier's part
Is to clean up all the
That the politicians
If we cannot do him honor
While he's here to hear
the praise,
Then at least let's give
him homage
At the ending of his days.
Perhaps a simple headline
In the paper that might
A veteran is someone who, at one point in
his life, wrote
a blank cheque made payable to ' Australia
', ' New Zealand ', or any other
God-fearing country for an amount "up to and
including my life".
That is Honour, and there are way too many
people in this WORLD who no longer
understand it.
Correspondence from Members
Listed below is some of the correspondence
received since the last Newsletter.
These emails are reproduced here for
entertainment and also to keep members
informed of other members movements, etc.
Please note: QURA receives emails/letters from time to time requesting contact
details of members. The current policy is if a fellow member requests
contact with another member, the contact details are given without
contacting the relevant member.
Where contact is requested by a non-member, the contact is referred to the
individual member to follow up the contact if they so desire.
This is a very interesting website.
you may care to list it in the next newsletter
for QURA.
From:- John Hammond
To:- Trevor Luttrell
Subject:- World War 2 - places of interest
You may be interested in this site – World War 2
military history in Queensland
From:- Trevor Luttrell
To:- Peter Morton
Subject:- Walcott St Depot
I have
confirmed today (24 May) that QUR are still not back
in the depot. They now expect sometime in June.
They still
intend conducting an all ranks function sometime
after they take up residence.
From:- John Hammond
To:- Trevor Luttrell
Subject:- Engineers
It's not
possible to
They are
Engineers #1
Two engineering
students were
biking across a
campus when one
said, "Where did
you get such a
great bike?" The
second engineer
replied, "Well,
I was walking
along yesterday,
minding my own
business, when a
beautiful woman
rode up on this
bike, threw it
to the ground,
took off all her
clothes and
said, "Take what
you want." The
first engineer
approvingly and
said, "Good
choice: The
clothes probably
wouldn't have
fit you anyway."
Engineers #2
To the optimist,
the glass is
half-full. To
the pessimist,
the glass is
half-empty. To
the engineer,
the glass is
twice as big as
it needs to be.
Engineers #3
A priest, a
doctor, and an
engineer were
waiting one
morning for a
slow group of
golfers. The
engineer fumed,
"What's with
those guys? We
must have been
waiting for
minutes!" The
doctor chimed
in, "I don't
know, but I've
never seen such
inept golf!" The
priest said,
"Here comes the
Let's have a
word with him."
He said, "Hello
George, What's
wrong with that
group ahead of
us? They're
rather slow,
aren't they?"
replied, "Oh,
yes. That's a
group of blind
firemen. They
lost their sight
saving our
clubhouse from a
fire last year,
so we always let
them play for
free anytime!."
The group fell
silent for a
moment. The
priest said,
"That's so sad.
I think I will
say a special
prayer for them
tonight." The
doctor said,
"Good idea. I'm
going to contact
colleague and
see if there's
anything she can
do for them."
The engineer
said, "Why can't
they play at
Engineers #4
What is the
engineers and
civil engineers?
engineers build
weapons. Civil
engineers build
Engineers #5
The graduate
with a science
degree asks,
"Why does it
work?" The
graduate with an
degree asks,
"How does it
work?" The
graduate with an
degree asks,
"How much will
it cost?" The
graduate with an
arts degree
asks, "Do you
want fries with
Engineers #6
students were
discussing who
must have
designed the
human body. One
said, "It was a
engineer. Just
look at all the
joints." Another
said, "No, it
was an
engineer. The
nervous system
has many
thousands of
The last one
said, "No,
actually it had
to have been a
civil engineer.
Who else would
run a toxic
waste pipeline
through a
Engineers #7
Normal people
believe that if
it ain't broke,
don't fix it.
believe that if
it ain't broke,
it doesn't have
enough features
Engineers #8
An engineer was
crossing a road
one day, when a
frog called out
to him and said,
"If you kiss me,
I'll turn into a
princess." He
bent over,
picked up the
frog, and put it
in his pocket.
The frog spoke
up again and
said, "If you
kiss me, I'll
turn back into a
princess and
stay with you
for one week."
The engineer
took the frog
out of his
pocket, smiled
at it and
returned it to
the pocket. The
frog then cried
out, "If you
kiss me and turn
me back into a
princess, I'll
stay with you
for one week and
do anything you
want." Again,
the engineer
took the frog
out, smiled at
it and put it
back into his
pocket. Finally,
the frog asked,
"What is the
matter? I've
told you I'm a
princess and
that I'll stay
with you for one
week and do
anything you
want. Why won't
you kiss me?"
The engineer
said, "Look, I'm
an engineer. I
don't have time
for a
girlfriend, but
a talking frog -
now that's
From:- Brad Shillig
To:- Trevor Luttrell
Subject:- Re Battle of Milne Bay 70th
Anniversary Commemoration Service - 25 August 2012 @
Hello members,
Ninth Battalions Association members are invited to
attend the Battle of Milne Bay 70th Anniversary
Commemoration Service.
The Service details are:
(1) time - 10 am on Saturday 25th of August 2012; and
(2) location - Milne Bay Memorial Library and Research
Centre, 61 Kittyhawk Drive, Chermside, Brisbane. The
Library and Research Centre building is the old Sandgate
Drill Hall. It is in the Chermside Historical Precinct,
near the Kedron-Wavell Services Club.
Her Excellency Ms Penelope Wensley, AC, Governor of Qld,
will unveil a commemorative plaque and present
medallions to surviving veterans of the Battle of Milne
Your family and the public are also invited to attend
the service. Car parking is available in the
Kedron-Wavell Services Club car park.
If you know any Battle of Milne Bay veterans, who are
not members of our association, please reply to me with
their details. A Milne Force Reunion is also planned.
Please share this email's contents with other interested
Brad Shillig
Membership Officer
Ninth Battalions Association
From:- Col Ahern
To:- Peter Morton
Subject:- ANZAC Day 2012 Fort Benning style
Some photos from The National Infantry Centre Anzac
Day service that Lt Col Michael Ahern conducted at
Fort Benning Georgia USA. Michael is writing a
short comment on Anzac Day Dawn service ceremony
that he conducted at the memorial at the Infantry
museum at Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia.
They had a showing of the movie gallipolli and small
reception the evening before.
Attended by 120 pers, including retired 3 star, 2
star and 1 star generals who served with aussies.
The Americans found the dawn service moving – they
don’t have a dawn service associated with any of
their remembrance Day activities.
They were served coffee, tea, milk and Bundy rum,
etc (more than what we had).
Regards Col
(Michael is a QUR Graduate; The then Capt Col Ahern,
as recruiting officer, enlisted Michael into QUR on
his 17th Birthday. Michael served as an
officer in QUR while finishing his university degree
, before transferring to the ready reserve and then
the Regular Army.)
From:- Bruce Davis
To:- Peter Morton
Re: Funeral Arrangements Chief Judge Pat Shanahan AO RFD
Dear Peter,
What a wonderful man and example
for us all.
I regret I will be unable to
attend the funeral.
Could there be anybody who
didn't like and respect this
From:- Trevor Luttrell
To:- Peter Morton
Re News Article
This is a news article about
Campbell Newman and Denis L
published in Sunday Mail 25
March 2012.

From:- Judy Costello
To:- Peter Morton
QURA Date Claimer
Thank you Peter but I have a
very good excuse -
will be in London and watching
the cricket at that time (
England vs West Indies)
but I do hope to make it up for
the dinner this year
From:- Rob Cumming
To:- Peter Morton
RE: Defence Reserves Association Invitation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Dear Peter
Thanks for keeping me in the
loop on happenings back in
At present I am at the
Multi-National Base in Tarin Kot,
Uruzgan, Afghanistan where I am
the Interpreter Manager for
Combined Team Uruzgan (CTU)
which is the formation
headquarters for operations in
Uruzgan Province.
I've been here just on six weeks
and am due to redeploy with our
rotation in Oct. The job is an
interesting one looking after
some 210 interpreters stretched
across the AO. It has its ups
and downs, but on the whole it
makes for long days but short
weeks. The rest of the team here
are good so it has been a good
place to work.
Best regards
Interpreter Manager
Multi-National Base - Tarin Kot
From:- Trevor Luttrell
To:- Peter Morton
Graduates RMC/QUR -
at Cocktail Party 3 March 2012
Attached find list of names etc
of graduates QUR/RMC for March
letters and prizes Cocktail
Party , Enoggera, 3 March 2012.
photos will be taken.
Graduates QUR – Graduating from
RMC January 2012
Name Corps Unit posted
LT Luke Murphy RA Inf 9 RQR
LT Aaron Bell RA Inf 9 RQR
LT Christopher Hackett RA Inf
25/49 RQR
LT San-Joe Tan RA Inf 25/29 RQR
LT Adam Atkins RA Sigs 7 CSR
LT Paul Patty RA Sigs 7 CSR
Prize Winners
LT Aaron Bell Excellence in
Military Studies
LT San-Joe-Tan Achievement (Most
From:- John Hammond
To:- Trevor Luttrell
Re: World War II Movie Stars
How times do change!
You probably have to have a few years under your belt to really
appreciate this message.
   
Hope you find this as informative as I did.
"Real Hollywood Heroes"

Alec Guinness (Star Wars) operated
A British Royal Navy landing craft on D-Day.

James Doohan ("Scotty" on Star Trek)
Landed in Normandy with the U S.Army on D-Day.

Donald Pleasance (The Great Escape) really was an R. A. F. Pilot
who was shot down, held prisoner and tortured by the Germans.

David Niven was a Sandhurst graduate and
Lt. Colonel of the British Commandos in Normandy ..

James Stewart Entered the Army Air Force
As a private and worked his way to the rank of Colonel.
During World War II, Stewart served as a bomber
Pilot, his service record crediting him with leading
More than 20 missions over Germany , and
Taking part in hundreds of air strikes during his tour of duty.
Stewart earned the Air Medal, the Distinguished Flying
Cross, France's Croix de Guerre,and 7 BattleStars during World
War II.
In peace time, Stewart continued to be an active
Member of the Air Force as a reservist, reaching
The rank of Brigadier General before retiring in the late 1950s

Clark Gable (Mega-Movie Star when war broke out)
Although he was beyond the draft age at the time the
U.S. Entered WW II, Clark Gable enlisted as
A private in the AAF on Aug. 12, 1942 at Los Angeles.
He attended the Officers' Candidate School at
Miami Beach , Fla.and graduated as a second lieutenant on Oct.
28, 1942 .
He then attended aerial gunnery school and in Feb. 1943
He was assigned to the 351st Bomb Group at Polebrook
Where he flew operational missions over Europe in B-17s.
Capt. Gable returned to the U.S. In Oct. 1943 and was relieved
From active duty as a major on Jun. 12, 1944 at his
Own request, since he was over-age for combat.

Charlton Heston was an Army
Air Corps Sergeant in Kodiak.

Ernest Borgnine was a U. S.
Navy Gunners Mate 1935-1945.

Charles Durning was a U. S.
Army Ranger at Normandy
Earning a Silver Star and awarded the Purple Heart.

Charles Bronson was a tail gunner
In the Army Air Corps, more specifically on B-29's in the 20th
Air Force out of Guam, Tinian, and Saipan

George C. Scott was
A decorated U. S.Marine.

Eddie Albert (Green Acres TV)
Was awarded a Bronze Star for his heroic action as a U. S.Naval
officer aiding Marines at the horrific battle on the
Island of Tarawain the Pacific Nov. 1943.

Brian Keith served as a U.S. Marine rear gunner in several
actions against the
Japanese on Rabal in the Pacific.

Lee Marvin was a U.S. Marine on Saipan during the Marianas
campaign when he was
Wounded earning the Purple Heart.

John Russell: In 1942, he
Enlisted in the Marine Corps where he received a battlefield
commission and was wounded and highly decorated for valor at
Guadalcanal ..

Robert Ryan was a U. S. Marine
Who served with the O. S. S. In Yugoslavia .

Tyrone Power (an established
Movie star when Pearl Harbor was bombed) joined the U.S.
Marines, was a pilot flying supplies into, and wounded Marines
out of, Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

Audie Murphy, little 5'5" tall 110 pound
Guy from Texas who played cowboy parts :
Most Decorated serviceman of WWII and earned: Medal of Honor,
Distinguished Service Cross, 2 Silver Star Medals, Legion of
Merit, 2 Bronze Star Medals with "V", 2 Purple Hearts, U.S. Army
Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, 2
Distinguished Unit Emblems, American Campaign Medal,
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with One Silver
Star, Four Bronze Service Stars (representing nine campaigns)
and one Bronze Arrowhead (representing assault landing at Sicily
and Southern France) World War II Victory Medal Army of
Occupation Medal with Germany Clasp, Armed Forces Reserve Medal,
Combat Infantry Badge, Marksman Badge with Rifle Bar, Expert
Badge with Bayonet Bar, French Fourragere in Colors of the Croix
de Guerre, French Legion of Honor, Grade of Chevalier, French
Croix de Guerre With Silver Star, French Croix de Guerre with
Palm, Medal of Liberated France, Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940
Back to the Regiment -
To Be Advised
The Back to the Regiment function
for QURA is usually held in March. Due to the uncertainty of
when QUR will be returning to the Walcott St depot , the QURA
Executive has decided to postpone the Back To the
Regiment function to a date to be advised.
Details of the function will be emailed when available.
Museum 70th Anniversary Celebrations
I am sending you this information concerning
Macarthur Museum’s Celebrations for the
forthcoming 70th Anniversary of Macarthur’s
Arrival in Brisbane, in my capacity as the
Chairman of Trustees, Macarthur Museum
Foundation, Brisbane
I thought that it would be of significant
interest to members of the Queensland University
Regiment Association (QURA).
Four events are planned as follows:
• The MacArthur Dinner -Tattersall’s Club –
Friday 20 July 2012
• Macarthur Seminar in Partnership with Royal
United Services Institute – “Macarthur - Agent
of Change” Saturday 21 July 2012 RUSI Hall,
Victoria Barracks
• “Brisbane at War Day on King George Square” –
Public displays, re-enactment and war time music
and dance Saturday 21 July 2012
• Plaque unveiling South Brisbane Railway
Station – Monday 23 July 2012 to mark the date
of arrival of Macarthur in Brisbane by Rail
While all events are open to the Association, I
thought that the dinner and the seminar might be
of particular interest to your members.
Please find attached a copy of Brochures
providing details for Dinner Registration and
Seminar Registration together with a short Media
Brief. The Key Note Speaker for the Dinner is
the Hon Tim Fischer AC, Former Deputy Prime
Minister. Invitations have been extended to Her
Excellency the Governor, The US Ambassador, The
Hon the Premier and the Lord Mayor of Brisbane.
The Seminar is being hosted in partnership with
the Royal United Services Institute and has an
array of interesting speakers with the Key Note
Address by Professor David Horner, Head of the
Army History Unit.
I would appreciate it if the Association would
be prepared to support the Celebrations by
promoting the 20 – 23 July 2012 period to its
members and by assisting the MacArthur Museum to
distribute the attached information.
I look forward to any assistance you might be
able to give the Museum in this regard. If there
is any additional information you would like to
have in relation to this important activity
please don’t hesitate to contact me personally,
details below.
Peter Rule
Executive Manager I Office of the Chief
Office of the Lord Mayor & Chief Executive I



War Quotes
Even in theory the gas mask is a dreadful thing. It
stands for one’s first flash of insight into man’s
measureless malignity against man.
Reginald Farrer 1918
I was too weak to defend, so I attacked.
Robert E Lee (American Civil War 1861-1865)
War to the castles, peace to the cottages.
Nicolas Chamfort 1790 (French Revolution)
The wagon folk of the seas.
J.F.C Fuller 2954 (about the Vikings 9th-11th
Countless and inestimable are the chances of war.
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
The British soldier can stand up to anything except
the War Office.
George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950
As long as man dwells upon the globe, his destiny is
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr 1841-1935
Communications dominate war; broadly considered,
they are the most important single element in
strategy, political, or military.
Alfred Thayer Mahan 1840-1914
The United States is not a nation to which peace is
a necessity.
Grover Cleveland 1837-1908
To be at the head of a strong column of troops, in
the execution of some task that requires the brain,
is the highest pleasure of war.
William Tecumseh Sherman 1820-1891
Pointed bullets are better than pointed speeches.
Otto Von Bismark 1815-1898
It is not merely cruelty that leads men to love war,
it is the excitement.
Henry Ward Beecher 1813-1887
Without war the world would sink into materialism.
Helmuth von Moltke (the Elder) 1800-1891
Things to Think About
He always wears two
pairs of pants to golf, in case he gets a hole in
The smoothest thing about a used car is the
I’ve just returned from my pleasure trip. I’ve just
taken my wife to the airport.
The meek shall inherit the earth. (If that is Ok
with the rest of you?)
Be nice to friends. If it wasn’t for them you’d be a
total stranger.
I am a success in one way. I started out with
nothing and still have most of it.
We learn nothing from history, except that we learn
nothing from history.
If your surname is Pipe, don’t call the baby Dwayne.
Middle age is when you would like to stand up and
give your seat to the lady, but can’t.
Do not resist growing old. Many are denied the
He took her for better or for worse. She took him
for everything.
A contented husband is one who is on listening terms
with his wife.
Old doctors never die,
they just lose their patience.
Confucius say man who eat prunes get good run for
Confucius say man who run in front of car likely to
get tired.
The first scientists who studied fog were mystified.
The four most important words in any marriage – I’ll
do the dishes.
The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts
of the brain involved in many kinds of motivation.
Among other functions the hypothalamus controls the
“Four F’s”: fighting; fleeing; feeding; and mating.
One in every four people is suffering from some form
of mental illness. Think of your three best friends.
If they are okay, then it is you.
What is a free gift? Aren’t they all free?
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
What’s another word for thesaurus?
Television has done much for psychiatry, by spreading
information about is as well as contributing to the need
for it.
Alfred Hitchcock
Probably nothing in the world arouses more false
hopes than the first four hours of a diet.
Dan Bennett
Don’t be afraid to take a big step. You cant cross a
chasm in two small jumps.
David Lloyd
I prefer the errors of enthusiasm to the
indifference of wisdom.
Anatole France
When ideas fail, words come in very handy.
Johann von Goethe 1749-1832
Always be smarter than the people who hire you.
Lena Horne
Confusion is always the most honest response.
Marty Indik
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde 1854-1900
I have always found paranoia to be a perfectly
defensible position.
Pat Conroy
Nine tenths of all existing books are nonsence.
Benjamin Disraeli
Nobody ever committed suicide while reading a good
book, but many have while trying to write one.
Robert Byrne
Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do
not always like being taught.
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
Back to the Regiment
Friday 18 May 2012 - QUR
hosted Function
(Walcott St)
Day Wednesday
25 April 2012 - 0615Hrs
Officers Mess Dinner September
/ October 2012 (To Be
Confirmed) - By Invitation from QUR
Friday 7 September 2012 - ( 1900Hrs for 1930Hrs)
Function Thursday
6 December 2012 - 1730Hrs (Victory
check the Members Page to ensure that your membership is
If you pay your membership fees on a year by year basis
payment is
now due for 2012
Membership status codes are:
SMEMB - Special Member (no fees)
LMEMB - Life Member (no fees)
PUOM - Paid Up Ordinary member (no fees but can transfer to 10 year membership for $50)
NEW - New member (no membership fees received as yet)
2013 - 201? membership fees paid to year indicated
199? - 2011 membership fees due
for 2012
Annual dues are $10
however a 10 year paid-up membership is available for $70.
Cheques should be forwarded to:
The Treasurer
QUR Association
24 Walcott Street,
St Lucia
For those members with internet banking, payments may be made
direct to the QURA Bank Account.
Details are BSB 064 129, Account 0090 4500, Account Name QUR
Association Inc
Please ensure
your name is supplied in the payment details.

The Executive Committee encourages all members to provide a current email
address to allow quick and easy communication of important
notifications and reminders of upcoming events.
If you know of any ex-members of QUR who are not in the association, please
contact the Membership Registrar (Peter Morton)
with any contact details that you have.
For members wishing to provide a new email address, please send an email to
to ensure your address is
received and entered onto our contact list.

Have you
considered purchasing a copy of the History of QUR magnificently
complied and edited by Paul Smith?
contains 128 pages of stories, photographs and has a coloured badged cover.
COST : $15 per
What about a CD containing over 100 images of the history of the Regiment.
COST : $10 per
Why not treat yourself to a copy or buy copies for your friends. These are
collectors items so don't miss out.
How to purchase copies:
Trevor Luttrell
0437 442 964
Send your payment to:
The Treasurer, QUR Association, 24 Walcott Street, St Lucia Q 4067.
For those members with internet banking, payments may be made
direct to the QURA Bank Account.
Details are BSB 064 129, Account 0090 4500, Account Name QUR
Association Inc
Please ensure
your name is supplied in the payment details.
Association Office Bearers
Position |
Name |
Bus Hrs |
A/Hrs |
Email |
President |
Trevor Luttrell |
0437 442 964 |
3345 2754 |
President |
Vice President |
Col Ahern |
0409 616
922 |
3278 1862 |
Secretary/Treasurer |
Bruce Davis |
0402 768
142 |
3878 2920 |
Treasurer |
Membership Secretary |
Peter Morton |
3114 2010 |
0419 484 736 |
Secretary |
Committee Members |
Executive |
Greg Adams |
5544 |
0418 744 678
Chris Backstrom |
3863 9238 |
3359 6262 |
Garry Collins |
3359 5993 |
John Hammond |
0409 575 848 |
David Ross |
3227 6974 |
0402 904 204 |