President's Report
The Committee was pleased to see some members purchase copies of the History of QUR for Christmas but we would still like to sell more. Should you wish to purchase one, just call any of the members of the Executive listed on the back of the newsletter.
We are still striving to encourage more ex QUR members to join the Association so we would ask for your support. Please pass on to any of us the name of any QUR member so we can assist them to join.
This newsletter is the first one to be sent by EMAIL to those who have supplied their EMAIL address. For members who do not have an EMAIL, the newsletter will continue to be posted. We are attempting to maximize the EMAIL delivery to save us the expense of postage.
If you received this newsletter by mail, but also have an EMAIL address, we would ask you to allow us to use that EMAIL address. Please send it to: peteramorton@bigpond.com.
The Association has continued its commitment to providing academic prizes to the graduating classes. The presentation of the prizes for the class in 2003 will take place soon.
I look forward to seeing you at the Back To The Regiment evening.
Trevor Luttrell
A reminder of forthcoming activities: Back to the Regiment 5 March (see further detail later in the newsletter) Anzac Day 25 April Regimental Dinner 8 May (ex officers will be invited to attend) AGM 17 September Christmas Drinks 26 November. Please write these into your diary.
ANZAC Day Observance Arrangements for participation by Association Members at the QUR ceremony will be the same as last year:
Venue: Toowong RSL monument in Memorial Park, Sylvan Road, Toowong & later at the Walcott Street Depot Timings: 0600 QUR contingent forms up in assy area 0630-0715 Service 0730 Gunfire Breakfast at Standfast Club
Association members are invited to attend the service and the subsequent Gunfire Breakfast at Walcott Street. Members of the Regiment and members of the public will be invited and this is an excellent opportunity to renew acquaintance. Both the QUR Association and the Toowong RSL contribute to the costs of the Breakfast so please come along.
QUR Regimental Dinner
Venue: Cromwell House, St Lucia Campus, University of Queensland Date: 8th May Timings: To be advised Cost: $50.00
QURA has been asked to notify ex officers of the above function. Please ensure your QURA address details are correct as the regiment will be inviting these members using the Association’s membership register. Contact Peter Morton – Ph 3425 3060, email peteramorton@bigpond.com if you wish to check your details.
Honours and Awards The Association congratulates Major Pat O'Keefe who was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Civil Division of the Queen's Birthday Honours List in 2003. The award was in recognition of Pat's long and honorary service to various charities and the Army Reserve.
WHAT IS RTC (SQ)?Answered by its Commandant, Colonel Garry Chandler
There are those of us who remember the 1st Training Group, at Sanananda Barracks, Wacol.
I am often asked what is the Regional Training Centre, (South Queensland) and what is its relationship to the familiar concept of a Training Group.
At the risk of boring people with history, it is helpful to remember what 1st Training Group (1 Trg Gp) looked like and what it did.
Until 1 December, 1999 1 Trg Gp was:
A Formation commanded by a Reserve Brigadier.
The Formation consisted of the following Units each commanded by a Reserve Lieutenant Colonel: QUR Command & Staff Wing (formerly RCSC) OCTU RURQ (formerly QAC Trg Unit) and Regimental Trg Wing Of course there was a headquarters element, including a substantial quartermaster facility and a well-equipped and staffed RAP.
The 1 Trg Gp functions were: a. the provision of Pre-Commissioning Trg (QUR, OCTU, and RURQ each catering for a different clientele) b. promotion trg for officers (C&SW) c. recruit trg (RTW) d. soldier promotion courses (RTW e. specialist courses such as clerical, driving, catering, storemen (RTW).
Post- Trg Gp changes
On 1 December, 1999 the Regional Training Centre (South Queensland) was raised at Wacol, and 1 Trg Gp passed into history.
On 1 December, 2000 RTC (SQ) moved to Enoggera, where it remains today. Sanananda Barracks is quietly rotting, awaiting a decision on its eventual sale.
The position of Reserve Brigadier passed for a time to the command of all RTCs and the training establishment at Canungra, with his HQ at Kokoda Barracks, Canungra. This Reserve Brigadier position has now been lost from SE Queensland.
The Lieutenant Colonel command positions of OCTU, RURQ, and RTW were lost, along with the many Lieutenant Colonel command positions of the 7th Brigade when it was amalgamated with the 6th Brigade. The Reserve Brigadier position from 7th Brigade has also been lost from SE Queensland.
As at 1 January, 2004 RTC (SQ) is: A Unit commanded by a Reserve Colonel.
The RTC in South Queensland is one of eight RTCs (NT, NQ, NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, and WA are the others) in a Formation commanded by a Regular Brigadier whose HQ is at Kokoda Barracks.
Each RTC is commanded by a Reserve Colonel, for the moment. There is no commitment to continue this command arrangement beyond the posting of the incumbents, particularly in the centres apart from Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne,
Structure of RTC (SQ)
There are three Wings, two of them with a Reserve Lieutenant Colonel as Chief Instructor, the other commanded by a Reserve Major.
The HQ includes a Regular Lieutenant Colonel as Deputy Commandant, three Regular Majors as SO2s, a Regular Captain as Adjutant, and a Regular RSM.
The courses delivered by the two instructional Wings include: Subj 1 for CPL both ARA & ARES Subj 1 for SGT for ARES Specialist Courses such as driving Completion of the RMC course for LT Promotion Course for CAPT & Major
RTC (SQ) has an impressive instructional facility, including simulation of small arms firing, night training, and tactical operations. Officer training is provided in conjunction with Command, Staff, and Operations Wing at Canungra.
OPERATION ORDER 01/04SituationThis annual activity continues to be a highly successful social function for the Association MissionAssociation members and their partners and guests are to RV in the Standfast Club, the soldiers’ club at the Regiment’s St Lucia depot, for an evening of good cheer with old comrades and new acquaintances from amongst the membership and those currently serving in QUR. ExecutionGeneral Outline: The activity is to be conducted in 5 phases: ♦ Phase 1 Concentration ♦ Phase 2 Drinks and fellowship – some current equipment will be available for inspection ♦ Phase 3 Barbecue meal (and maybe a few brief words of welcome and appreciation) ♦ Phase 4 More drinks and the exchanging of yarns (some lies are permissible) ♦ Phase 5 Departure
Groupings and Tasks Groupings will be fluid and the task is to have a good time.
Co-ordinating InstructionsH Hour 1800 hours (no problem if you can’t arrive till a little later) Dress Smart casual but don’t worry about being overdressed if it’s convenient to come straight from the office. Assembly Area Ample parking is available in the depot grounds in Walcott Street. Administration and Logistics♦ Cost $15 per head (includes barbecue and most drinks) - $10 for current unit members. ♦ Payment Send a cheque with your reply form or you can pay at the door. ♦ RSVP 24 February. Please reply to Peter Morton (email peteramorton@bigpond.com or Ph 3425 3060 (Hm) ♦ Drinks A fruit punch & soft drinks will be available for those wishing to avoid alcohol. ♦ Rations The unit Catering Section will be providing a gourmet barbecue. Command and Signals1. Executive Committee HQ will be located adjacent to the bar. 2. Name tags will be available showing the vintage of your QUR service.
Reply Details for Back to the Regiment Night - Fri 5 Mar 04
Name: _________________________________________________
Period of Service in QUR From: ____________ to ______________ (eg 1965-1968)
Yes I will be attending! The number of people in my party will be: _____________________
My cheque (payable to QUR Association) for $ ___________ is enclosed. (Cost is $15 per head which includes barbecue and most drinks - $10 for current unit members)
Please email the above details by 24 February to:- peteramorton@bigpond.com
****************************** Association Office Bearers