President's Report
Unfortunately our previous President, Jane Warrington, was unable to be present and or be available to continue her work as President. I wish to pass to Jane the gratitude of the Association for her short time as our leader. A new Executive was nominated to administer the QURA for the next 12 months. I was honoured by being elected the new President. Many of our past executive members were again willing to continue in their role. A list of the executive members are shown on the back page of this newsletter. Since the AGM the executive has meet to set out a plan for the next 12 months. The following list is a brief summary of the objectives.
Functions in 2004 Back to the Regiment 5 March 2004 Anzac Day 25 April 2004 AGM 17 September 2004 Xmas Function 26 November 2004
Newsletter To reduce the rising cost of the postage for the newsletters it is intended to EMAIL as many as possible to members. We are asking members to advise or confirm their EMAIL addresses so we can ensure that their newsletter arrives. We have been working on a prototype, and we aim to have the first EMAIL newsletter out prior to the end of the year. We are hoping to send more regular smaller newsletters.
Membership Apart from our usual drive to encourage new members to join we are planning to undertake a check to confirm that we still have their correct contact details. As usual we will be asking some members to continue supporting the Association through their contribution to their annual membership. The production of the newsletters, histories and support to the Regiment does incur a cost which can only be found through membership contributions and fund raising.
History We intend continuing the collection of any pieces of history. We encourage any member to take the time to write of their time in the Regiment. Just reflect on your time. Either send it in hard copy of EMAIL it to any executive members. Don’t worry about the formatting – just produce the words. We will format it for the history collection.
Photographs Paul Smith has produced a magnificent audio visual sequence of pictures representing the history of QUR. We would like to extend this history by scanning photos. We would greatly appreciate the loan of any photos so we capture them on computer. We guarantee to return them quickly and safely. Please contact any of the executive. If necessary I will personally pick up and deliver them safely to any member.
Thanks It is important that the Association recognize those who give willingly to further the interests of the Association. Over several years several members have significantly contributed to the Association. Even with the risk of omitting some I think it fitting to recognize the efforts of some of the members. I wish to recognize the outstanding work performed by Paul Smith in the production of the Unit History. It is a fine account of the Regiment over many years and contains many photographs and personal stories. Paul has contributed many hours of time and personal expense in its production. On behalf of all members I wish to recognize the work which Paul has completed. If you wish to still obtain a copy of this history they are available for the very small cost of $15. Further in this newsletter you will see how to get you own copy. Another member of our Association who must be recognized is the Garry Collins. For many years he has produced the newsletter. The production of this newsletter takes a lot of time in collecting and assembling the articles along with the taking of photographs. Sincerest thanks to Garry for the time he spent over many years. Finally we should thank the executive members of the Association over many years. The Association continues to preserve the history of the Regiment and to support its current members.
Academic Prizes for QUR Cadets The Executive are currently negotiating with the Regiment to fund the purchase of some prizes for academic and military excellence in the studies for commissioning.
The committee is committed to furthering the goals of the Association and supporting the Regiment. We wish you a safe and restful festive season and look forward to meeting you at the Christmas Drinks on 28 November.
Trevor Luttrell
John Hammond, Sue Goodhew and Rod Hamilton after enjoying the AGM dinner.
********************************************************** From the CO’s Report to the AGM August 2003
(the CO has kindly permitted us to publish the text of his report to the QURA at the recent AGM.)
Manning Currently the unit has 68 cadets 20 more to start in December We expect to graduate about 15-20 in February 2004
ED Review The unit did very well in the latest SED review in September. In addition to taking over North Queensland Company we actually grew the unit in positions that we can fill. We re-established the Major’s position as OC Log Company and 3-4 extra Captain instructor positions. In SNCO’s we kept the same numbers but changed ranks structure slightly to more Sergeants and less Warrant Officers. The unit was held in very high regard within the formation and has a very busy schedule and this helped support our case to adjust our structure. Like all units we are struggling to get soldiers but we have picked up a couple recently leaving the regular army. Many of the other units with the command shrunk in the process so I was very happy with the outcome and the work put in by my staff in preparation for the process We currently conduct 10 weeks continual training a week and every second weekend so people that come to us will be busy.
North Queensland As forecast at the Regimental Dinner we formally take over North Queensland on 1 October 2003. RMC-A is using this as a template or pilot for the eventual takeover of Northern Australian Company and University of Tasmania Company. This is expected in second half of 2004. We may in fact pick up Darwin as the logical extension as flights to Brisbane are the easiest.
Future In my estimation the future looks good. We produce very high standard training and are held up as the example to follow within the formation. We are the training place of choice for many of the staff cadets. Darwin and Townsville even prior to the takeover wanted to come to our souses. This I believe reflects the high calibre of our staff and the facilities we have in SE Queensland. We are the unit of choice. I’m hopeful that we can raise our profile within the Army and especially SEQ so that quality staff will want to come to us. We have plenty of work for good people. For those in the brigade please send us your good people on promotion so they can get some instructional experience and get used to their new rank and we’ll send them back in 1-2 years.
Band At the SED there was some movement to rid the units of their bands because of some troubles at one unit. Our band gives us great service and I am very happy to have them. The quality of the performance is very high and many transfer to the full-time army every year. Laurie Case does a great job organising them. They will be part of the Army Band in Concert on the 20th September. May I take this opportunity to congratulate the 2IC, Richard Klockhohn on his pending promotion and appointment as a CI at RTC. This shows the calibre of people that work for me.
Finally may I thank you all for your support for the unit. I really is great and helps promote the unit within the defence and civilian communities.
Principal Chaplain Len Eacott, Principal Chaplain, Army, has finally signed the L+D for the damage which occurred to his radio when it was struck by lightning at Tin Can Bay. Picture taken at the recent AGM.
MEMBERSHIP $$$$$$$$$$$ please If you find a note included in this newsletter regarding membership your financial status is soon to expire. We would greatly appreciate your contribution to allow the Association to continue its work
XMAS DRINKS Come along and enjoy a drink and catch up with old friends of QUR. Or come along and meet some new members of the Association. Where : Victory Hotel (Beer Garden) 127 Edward Street Brisbane. When: Friday 28 November 2003 Time: 1730 hours Hot and cold snacks will be provided along with the normal President’s bar tab to get the night moving. (Look for the specially roped off area in the left rear corner of the beer garden.) To assist catering it would be appreciated if you would EMAIL Peter Morton to indicate your intention to attend. EMAIL to: peteramorton@bigpond.com
XMAS GIFTS Looking for the ideal Xmas gift? Have you considered a copy of the History of QUR magnificently complied and edited by Paul Smith. It contains 128 pages of stories, photographs and has a coloured badged cover. Why not treat yourself to a copy or buy copies for your friends. This is a collectors item so don’t miss out on your copy. COST : $15 per copy. How to purchase copies: Ring Trevor Luttrell 0407 143 289 or Paul Smith 0417 629 885 EMAIL Peter Morton 0419 484 736 (EMAIL addresses on the back cover) Send your payment to: The Treasurer, 24 Walcott Street, St Lucia Q 4067. Yes we will guarantee delivery before XMAS.
EMAIL ADDRESSES In an effort to reduce the rising costs of mailing the newsletters we aim to reformat the newsletter and send it by EMAIL. We will be able to include colour and many photographs. Additionally we will be able to include more pages of exciting information. To ensure accurate delivery of the EMAIL we wish to check the addresses. Of course we will continue mailing the newsletter to those without EMAIL addresses. Rather than sending your address by post please send an EMAIL to Peter Morton so he can ensure your address is received and entered onto our contact list. EMAIL to: peteramorton@bigpond.com
********************************************************** NEWSLETTER ARTICLES If you hear any interesting information about any of our members please send it to the Editor. We would like to recognize any events. Can you remember any funny or outstanding event in your military service in QUR. Why not share your time with all. We will accept any article of any length. Send it by post or EMAIL to us. Here are a couple of snippets: • Talking in his sleep after a range day Colin Ahern was heard to say “Shot the big gun today.” The first time he used the SLR. • Peter Morton has honour of being the only soldier who had racing stripes painted on them. They were nicknamed GT GP’s. • Did you hear about a former 2IC/ Commanding Officer of QUR who lead others by throwing fruit and vegetables at fellow officers in an Officers Mess at Singleton at midnight. No wonder he was promoted to Major General. • During one camp Len Eacott, the current Principal Chaplain, Army received a message directly from the heavens when the radio he was operating was struck by lightning. I wonder if he received a special message for the future?
Association Office Bearers