President's Report
It was pleasing to see the good roll-up of members who braved the somewhat inclement weather to attend the Association’s Christmas Drinks function held at the Victory Hotel in the city on the evening of 29 November last year. There was a good variety of vintages of service in the Regiment and a great opportunity to get to know some more of the members. The proverbial good time was had by all and Col Ahern is apparently claiming the honour of being the last member to withdraw from the position. Program of Activities It is intended to continue the same pattern of activities as was in place last year. These are detailed below and inside the newsletter. The first is the ever popular Back to the Regiment Night and I look forward to seeing many of you parading at the Walcott Street Depot on that occasion. Jane Warrington.
Warning Order Members are asked to note these activities in their diaries. Fri 21 Mar Back to the Regiment Night (see inside for details) Fri 25 Apr ANZAC Day (see below) Sat 10 May Regimental Dinner (NB an Officers Mess rather than an Association function) Fri 12 Sep AGM Dinner Fri 28 Nov Association Christmas drinks
ANZAC Day Observance It is anticipated that arrangements for QUR participation will be the same as last year: Venue: Toowong RSL monument in Memorial Park, Sylvan Road, Toowong & later at the Walcott Street Depot Timings: 0600 QUR contingent forms up in assy area 0630 - 0715 Service 0730 Gunfire Breakfast at Standfast Club Association members are cordially invited to attend the service and the subsequent Gunfire Breakfast at Walcott Street to which the Association contributes along with the Toowong RSL.
Question: What does this photo have to do with QUR? Is it perhaps the proposed new depot? See inside for the answer
Serving Members on the Move Former CO, Colonel Garry Chandler, is the new Commandant of the RTC (Regional Training Centre) South Queensland located at Gallipoli Barracks Enoggera. This organization replaced the Training Group that used to occupy part of Sanananda Barracks at Wacol. In addition, Wayne Lynch, the immediate past CO has recently been promoted to full Colonel to head up an organization which rejoices in the acronym CIMIC, the Civil Military Co-operation Unit. We’ll endeavour to feature an explanation of this new unit’s detailed role and tasks in the next edition. Hearty congratulations to both these members of the Association.
From the CO’s Desk
Training ActivitiesThe summer has been quite a challenging period for the Regiment. Between December and mid-February the Regiment delivers eight weeks of continuous training. This generally requires a commitment of two or more weeks from the majority of the unit. This summer has been complicated by staff shortages throughout the formation, RMC-A. Members of the Regiment have given an exemplary effort to ensure that all training has been delivered. Currently, in training at Gallipoli Barracks are seventy Staff Cadets, thirty of which are from QUR. The course staff are principally from QUR with additional staff from SUR, North Queensland Company and RMC. There are eighteen Staff Cadets at RMC who should graduate on 15 February 2003. Change of CommandLTCOL Ross Williamson will be attending the graduation and the RMC-A Bi-annual Training Seminar with me in preparation for his assumption of command on 1 March 2003. On leaving QUR, I will take command of the Assessment Teams in the to-be-raised Civil Military Co-operation Unit (the commander of which is COL Wayne Lynch). CIMIC promises to be an exciting challenge to produce a capability that the ADF has usually delivered somewhat ad hoc. Once again, I thank the Association for its continued support and wish all members the best for the future. I look forward to seeing all at the forthcoming functions. Regards, Lieutenant Colonel Peter JeffreyCommanding Officer
Pictured above are newsletter editor Garry Collins (left) and Major Terryl McGeever (right). Terryl was successively OC Training Company and 2IC QUR in the late 1980s. A former cavalryman, an always entertaining raconteur, a bon vivant, and an enthusiastic (?) participant in annual fitness tests, Terryl did much to add a touch of class to things in his time as PMC of the Officers Mess. Since retiring from the Department of Trade, Terryl has moved to Tasmania where he is now the proprietor of “The Pub in the Paddock” at Pyengana in the north east of the island. As well as being close to the picturesque St Columba Falls, the establishment boasts a resident beer drinking pig and has featured in a segment of the TV travel show “Getaway”. Actually, as regards 5 km runs, Terryl was one of those who maintained that officers should never run as it was likely to panic the troops. If you’re visiting Tassie, be sure to look him up. If any members are able to provide snippets for this “Where are they now?” feature, the editor would be much obliged.
BACK TO THE REGIMENT NIGHT - FRIDAY 21 MARCH 2003OPERATION ORDER 01/03SituationThis annual activity continues to be a highly successful social function for the Association MissionAssociation members and their partners and guests are to RV in the Standfast Club, the soldiers’ club at the Regiment’s St Lucia depot, for an evening of good cheer with old comrades and new acquaintances from amongst the membership and those currently serving in QUR. ExecutionGeneral Outline: The activity is to be conducted in 5 phases: ♦ Phase 1 Concentration ♦ Phase 2 Drinks and fellowship – some current equipment will be available for inspection ♦ Phase 3 Barbecue meal (and maybe a few brief words of welcome and appreciation) ♦ Phase 4 More drinks and the exchanging of yarns (some lies are permissible) ♦ Phase 5 Departure
Groupings and Tasks Groupings will be fluid and the task is to have a good time.
Co-ordinating InstructionsH Hour 1800 hours (no problem if you can’t arrive till a little later) Dress Smart casual but don’t worry about being overdressed if it’s convenient to come straight from the office. Assembly Area Ample parking is available in the depot grounds in Walcott Street. Administration and Logistics♦ Cost $15 per head (includes barbecue and most drinks) - $10 for current unit members. ♦ Payment Send a cheque with your reply form or you can pay at the door. ♦ RSVP 11 March. Please use the enclosed form or phone Peter Morton (see reply slip on back page) ♦ Drinks A fruit punch & soft drinks will be available for those wishing to avoid alcohol. ♦ Rations The unit Catering Section will be providing a gourmet barbecue. Command and Signals◊ Executive Committee HQ will be located adjacent to the bar. ◊ Name tags will be available showing the vintage of your QUR service.
Reply Form for Back to the Regiment Night - Fri 21 Mar 03 QUR Association c/- 2IC QUR 24 Walcott Street St Lucia Qld 4067
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Period of Service in QUR From: ____________ to ______________ (eg 1965-1968)
Yes I will be attending! The number of people in my party will be: _____________________
My cheque (payable to QUR Association) for $ ___________ is enclosed. (Cost is $15 per head which includes barbecue and most drinks - $10 for current unit members)
If you don’t get around to returning this form by 11 March please let Peter Morton know that you’ll be coming. Phone: 3406 6820 (work), 3425 3060 (home); e-mail: peter_morton@health.qld.gov.au