President's Report
No doubt my avid devotion to the Army Reserve is well known, however, I provide you with the following overview of my military career, albeit of short duration, to date: I commenced Officer Training at the Queensland University Regiment in 1997 and graduated with a commission from the Royal Military College "Duntroon" in February 1999, into the Intelligence Corps. I have since had the good fortune of being posted to the 1st Intelligence Company, Enoggera Barracks from 1999 to 2001. In a response to CHOGM demands I completed full time service at Head Quarters 7 Brigade in the Intelligence Cell for the end of 2001. My posting this year was to the Regional Training Centre, South Queensland, where I have undertaken the requisite training for promotion to Captain. Fortunately, my full time service coincided with the completion of my university studies: I completed a Bachelor of Arts in 2000, followed by a Bachelor of Laws, Honours, in June 2001 at the University of Queensland. I have continued my pursuit into the legal realm and am currently employed as a Trainee Solicitor with Clayton Utz, Lawyers, and have recently completed a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology. I anticipate being admitted as a solicitor on 12 December 2002, and will continue my employment with Clayton Utz. In light of my experience at Clayton Utz I am confident that the legal profession and the army are both in my future. As a Reservist I value the opportunities, at times limited, that arise to meet with people who share common interests and values, and I believe that the QURA is an invaluable vehicle for such a purpose. As President of the QURA I consider my objective for this term to be to focus on the current membership of the Association, with a view to enhancing the membership profile amongst those of the 1980s and 1990s era. I look forward to meeting with you all soon, and in particular celebrating "Christmas 2002" at the QURA Christmas Party to be held at the Victory Hotel on Friday 29 November 2002. Jane Warrington.
Dues Payment Reminder If you pay your membership fees on a year by year basis payment is now due for 2003. A code showing your membership status is printed on the address label attached to this newsletter. The codes are:
• SMEMB - Special Member (no fees) • LMEMB - Life Member (no fees) • PUOM - Paid Up Ordinary member (no fees but can transfer to 10 year membership for $50) • NEW - New member (no membership fees received as yet) • 2003 - 2010 membership fees paid to year indicated • 2002 - membership due for 2003 • 199? - 2001 membership fees not paid for current year
From the CO’s Desk
CO’s Sitrep Training ActivitiesThe regiment is approaching its busiest period. In December, we will conduct Module 1B (Infantry Section Leading) and in January-February, we will conduct III Class Modules (the introductory modules) and we will send, potentially, thirty staff cadets to RMC-D. This could be our largest graduating class for some year!
Position |
Name |
Bus Hrs |
A/Hrs |
President |
Jane Warrington |
3292 7533 |
0409 727 121 |
jwarrington@claytonutz.com |
Vice President |
Trevor Luttrell |
3422 8326 |
3345 2754 |
trevor.luttrell@qed.qld.gov.au |
Immediate Past President |
Paul Smith |
3221 1275 |
0417629885 |
pesb@ozemail.com.au |
Secretary |
Malcolm Heather |
3227 6342 |
3256 2557 |
mheather@dme.qld.gov.au |
Assistant Secretary (2IC) |
Richard Kluckhorn |
0410 671 097 |
richard.l.kluckhorn@mainroads.qld.gov.au |
Treasurer |
Andrew Luttrell |
3225 8349 |
3217 7424 |
Andrew.Luttrell@premiers.qld.gov.au |
Membership Secretary |
Peter Morton |
3406 6820 |
3848 4736 |
pamorton@ozemail.com.au |
Newsletter Editor |
Garry Collins |
3351 4044 |
3359 5993 |
garry.collins@ferngrovshs.qld.edu.au |
Committee Members |
Col Ahern |
3896 9510 |
3278 1862 |
col.ahern@nrm.qld.gov.au |
Garry Chandler |
0412 643 850 |
gchandler@gsm.uq.edu.au |
Barry Schmidt |
3832 2800 |
3878 9275 |
mukurta@bigpond.net.au |
Mal Try |
3227 6259 |
3870 0096 |
mal.try@env.qld.gov.au |
David Feeman |
3332 7052 |
david.freeman2@defence.gov.au |
David Ross |
D.Ross@e-secure.com.au |
The Treasurer Membership Renewal
QUR Association
c/- 24 Walcott Street
St Lucia Qld 4067
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please find enclosed my cheque for:
$10 for membership dues for 2003
ü $50 to transfer me from PUOM to “10 year paid up” membership status
ü $70 to transfer me from annual renewal to “10 year paid up” membership status
ü $____ to bring my membership dues up to date to the end of 2003
Dues Payment Reminder
If you pay your membership fees on a year by year basis payment is now due for 2003. A code showing your membership status is printed on the address label attached to this newsletter. The codes are:
SMEMB - Special Member (no fees)
LMEMB - Life Member (no fees)
PUOM - Paid Up Ordinary member (no fees but can transfer to 10 year membership for $50)
NEW - New member (no membership fees received as yet)
2003 - 2010 membership fees paid to year indicated
2002 - membership due for 2003
199? - 2001 membership fees not paid for current year
Annual dues are $10 and a 10 year paid-up membership can be had for $70. Cheques should be forwarded to the treasurer at 24 Walcott Street, St Lucia using the slip on the bottom of Page 4.