President's Report
Membership has been going well. I would like to welcome the following new members; Stephen Bizzell (1985-1989), Larry Cook (1986-1993), John Fenwick (1962-1967), Chris Gladstone (1979-1982), Ian Hall (1980-1983), Ruth Kassulke (1979-1982), Rod Anderson (1978-1989) and Ross Williamson (1999-2001). See inside for some significant news regarding this last named officer. We are doing well with members from the 1980s but we need to work on attracting more members from the 1990s. We do have some but we need more bearing in mind it has been almost 2 decades since the people from the 1980s served in the Regiment. One of our senior members, Pat Shanahan, featured in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List with the award of the AO for his service to the law and the Reserves. On behalf of all members I would like to heartily congratulate Pat on this well-deserved award. Pat was one of the original post World War 2 enlistees in QUR and rose to be a company commander in the unit. He later went on to command the 31st Battalion and following the completion of his active service he filled the appointment of Regimental Colonel of The Royal Queensland Regiment. His long and distinguished legal career culminated in a five year term as Chief Judge of the District Court. The AGM is to be held at the United Service Club on Friday 6 September 2002 at 1900 for 1930hrs. The cost is again $55 per head including a three-course meal, wine, beer, soft drink and port. It is an enjoyable evening. I remind members that the dress is lounge suit not Mess Dress. The guest speaker is Colonel John Taske who will no doubt touch on his exploits in the Himalayas as well as providing some reminiscences of his service in the Regiment and how it led on to his subsequent Army career. I am sure that this will be an interesting speech. John Taske graduated in medicine and was commissioned through the Regiment during Brigadier John Springhall’s term as CO during the 1960s. He subsequently served a tour of duty in South Vietnam as an infantry battalion RMO and then stayed in the Regular Army to rise to a senior Medical Corps appointment and the rank of Colonel before returning to the civilian side of the medical profession. In this magazine you will find a nomination form to serve on the committee. It is a fairly rewarding experience and I hope you may consider nominating. If you do not have ready access to a proposer and seconder return the form and this can be organized. You will also find a return for the AGM. As this is the last report before the election I thank all members for their support of the Association in 2001/2002. I consider it has been a successful year. I also wish to thank Peter Lindsay for his work on scanning photos. I hope in the near future we can produce a disk for sale. I expect we can sell a disk quite cheaply. Paul Smith.
From the CO’s Desk
CO’s SitrepTraining ActivitiesDuring the period 6 – 22 July the Regiment will be conducting three courses at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera. For the first time QUR is conducting a mid-year Officer Induction Module (the first two weeks of the six week OIM). The initial two weeks of OIM has many similarities in content to what many of us recall as the Reserve two week “recruit course”. Typically, the Regiment has conducted the OIM only in January/February but this year we are trialing the flexibility of mid-year entry. Unfortunately, QUR only has a dozen staff cadets on course. I hope this can be improved with greater awareness of availability. However, we have once again been given responsibility for running the course for the RMC formation and hence have SCDTs from as far afield as Perth. Total numbers for this course are 60 SCDTs. We are also conducting Module 1A for 29 QUR SCDTs. This module is run with a series of initial weekends and then completed with the two week continuous period. The prime focus of the course is leadership theory, administration, training, technology and service discipline law. The third course is the Officer of Cadets Officer Course. The aim of this course is to give the OOCs a basic grounding in the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to be a successful Officer of Cadets. In addition to the courses being delivered to the students, most of the instructors are being assessed for their Certificate IV Workplace Trainer and Assessor competency. It is becoming mandatory within Training Command to have the qualification because it is linked directly to he accreditation of courses. Cert IV is also a very tangible benefit to employers of Reservists. RSL ConnectionIn the last newsletter I thanked the Toowong RSL Sub-branch for their ongoing support. I have many fond memories of the relationship that the Regiment has had with the sub-branch over the years. But it appears the sub-branch is now in need of our support. Their numbers are reducing and the membership is aging. The sub-branch would like to see some “young blood” join up. So if you have been considering joining the RSL… then the Toowong Sub-Branch meets at QUR in the Sergeants Mess (usually) each quarter. Contact the Regiment on 07 3721 4308 and you will be provided with the RSL’s contact details. New COJust prior to filing this report I was advised of my successor as CO. LTCOL Ross Williamson has been announced as my replacement for 2003/04. Ross was promoted this year after spending 2001 as the 2IC of the Regiment. This will the first time in quite some years (since Gus Gehrman?) that the new CO will not be promoted into the position. Originally from Sydney, Ross is an RAE officer currently serving as a senior instructor at the RTC (Regional Training Centre) at Enoggera. The RTC is the new metamorphosis of the 1st Training Group that previously existed at Wacol.
Lieutenant Colonel Peter JeffreyCommanding Officer
Annual General Meeting & Dinner Friday 6 September 02Formal notice is hereby given that the Association’s Annual General Meeting will be held in conjunction with a dinner to be held at the United Service Club Wickham Terrace on the evening of Friday 6 September. Timings: 1900 for 1930 Cost: $55 – includes 3 course dinner, wine, beer, soft drink and port Dress: jacket and tie RSVP: Tuesday 27 August Agenda (painlessly handled during a convivial dinner) Ø Confirmation of minutes of 2001 AGM Ø Management Committee’s Report Ø Treasurer’s Report Ø Election of Management Committee » Appointment of Auditor
Two generations of red hat. Brigadiers John Springhall and John Hammond at this year’s Back to the Regiment Night held at the St Lucia depot in March.
Association Office Bearers
Friday 6 September |
Annual Dinner and Annual General |
Friday 29 November |
Christmas Drinks at the Victory Hotel 1700 – 1930 hr |
QUR Association 2002 AGM Dinner
Attendance Reply Form – RSVP 27 August 2002
The Secretary
QUR Association
24 Walcott Steet
Name: ________________________________________________________________
q I will be attending the Association’s Annual General Meeting Dinner to be held at the United Service Club, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane on the evening of Friday 6 September 2002 at 1900 for 1930 hours.
q My cheque for $55 payable to the QUR Association is enclosed.
q I regret that I am unable to attend. Please tender my apology.
(Please tick as appropriate.)
Signature: ________________________________________________
QUR Association 2002 AGM Dinner
Management Committee Nomination Form
The Secretary
QUR Association
24 Walcott Steet
Name: ________________________________________________________________
I wish to be nominated for the following position on the Association’s Management Committee for 2002/2003 (please circle appropriate position):
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Proposer: ___________________________ Seconder: ________________________
(NB If you’re prepared to serve, we’ll arrange the proposer and seconder!)