President's Report
This year I hope will be a good one for the Association. As I reported to you last year we now have in excess of 200 members. I would like this to increase to say 250 by the end of the year. So if you know of any past member of the Regiment who is not a member please E Mail myself or Peter Morton. Also invite ex members to attend the Back to the Regiment Night. The first function for the year is the “Back to the Regiment” night on Friday Night 15th March 2002 at the Regiment. It promises to be another excellent evening. Enclosed in the magazine you will find details. I hope that you are able to attend. To our recent graduate members I think you will find it is a good night on which to catch up with people you have not seen since you left the unit. The format is pretty much the same as previous years. As for other functions in the year there will obviously be the QUR Officer’s Mess Regimental Dinner in May and then the Annual General Meeting on Friday 6 September 2002. Please note your diaries now Financially we are pretty sound. You should note that if you wish to track down any ex-member of the Regiment let us know and we should be able to assist (if we hold the contact details.) At the end of the day for 2002 the committee intends to keep on the same track as 2001 and hopefully increase our membership. As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, please E Mail me on pesb@ozemail.com.au . Renewals are also now due for our yearly members. The association would be pleased if you are able to renew. I ask you to consider renewing as a 10 year member. Not only is there a considerable cost saving involved, it also obviates the need for renewal letters to go out to a large number of members every 12 months and saves you having yet another bill every new year. Paul Smith. ANZAC Day ObservanceToowong RSL monument in Memorial Park, Sylvan Road, Toowong & later at the Walcott Street Depot Timings 0600 QUR contingent forms up in assy area 0630 - 0715 Service 0730 Gunfire Breakfast at Standfast Club
Association members are cordially invited to attend the service and the subsequent Gunfire Breakfast at Walcott Street to which the Association contributes along with the Toowong RSL. What’s Inside» Sunray’s Sitrep: From the CO’s desk » Op Order for Back to the Regiment Night 02 » QUR graduate promoted Brigadier Australia Day Honour for former RMO
From the CO’s Desk
Quick Sitrep: Regiment Flat Out The Regiment is at its busiest at the moment. Locally we have thirty staff cadets undertaking their Officer Induction Module and in Canberra we have twenty-three staff cadets undertaking their final modules and preparing for graduation. The Officer Induction Module (OIM) is a combined QUR, SUR, UNSWR course with almost 100 staff cadets. The course has gone very well and I hope it will serve as both an effective and efficient model for the RMC formation. I have visited the course on a number of occasions and have been impressed with the instructional staff and also the quality of staff cadets. This course has an increase of older cadets given the introduction, last year, of the policy that lifted some of the age restrictions. I believe this to have had some marked, positive effects. The bi-annual formation conference will be conducted over 15-16 February. This will be an opportunity for the new Commandant RMC, Brigadier Mike Paramour, to deliver his direction and intent personally. Some of the issues to be discussed will be: » the “double entry” recruiting for QUR (ie. staff cadets will commence OIM in either July or January); » the development/evolution of the current First Appointment Course to a new course more closely aligned with the ARA course; and no doubt, » resource issues! I look forward to seeing many of you at the “Back to the Regiment” night. Lieutenant Colonel Peter Jeffrey Commanding Officer
Michael Van Baarle and Association Treasurer Andrew
Luttrell at last year’s Back to the
QUR Graduate Promoted The new Commander of 11 Brigade in Townsville is Brigadier Steve Graw who was commissioned in QUR in the early 70s. A lawyer, Brigadier Graw has spent most of his post QUR service in North Queensland and was formerly CO 31 RQR. AM for Former RMO In this year’s Australia Day Honours List, Association member and former unit RMO, Associate Professor John Frederick Leditschke, was appointed a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM). The award was for service to medicine in the fields of paediatric and burns surgery, to the promotion of child safety and accident prevention, and to the community, particularly through support for St John Ambulance Australia. Our congratulations to Fred for this well-deserved achnowledgement.
ANZAC Day ObservanceToowong RSL monument in Memorial Park, Sylvan Road, Toowong & later at the Walcott Street Depot 0600 QUR contingent forms up in assy area 0630 - 0715 Service 0730 Gunfire Breakfast at Standfast Club Association members are cordially invited to attend the service and the subsequent Gunfire Breakfast at Walcott Street to which the Association contributes along with the Toowong RSL.
BACK TO THE REGIMENT NIGHT - FRIDAY 15 MARCH 2002OPERATION ORDER 01/02SituationThis annual activity continues to be a highly successful social function for the Association MissionAssociation members and their partners and guests are to RV in the Standfast Club, the soldiers’ club at the Regiment’s St Lucia depot, for an evening of good cheer with old comrades and new acquaintances from amongst the membership and those currently serving in QUR. ExecutionGeneral Outline: The activity is to be conducted in 5 phases: ♦ Phase 1 Concentration ♦ Phase 2 Drinks and fellowship – some current equipment will be available for inspection ♦ Phase 3 Barbecue meal (and maybe a few brief words of welcome and appreciation) ♦ Phase 4 More drinks and the exchanging of yarns (some lies are permissible) ♦ Phase 5 Departure
Groupings and Tasks Groupings will be fluid and the task is to have a good time.
Co-ordinating InstructionsH Hour 1800 hours (no problem if you can’t arrive till a little later) Dress Smart casual but don’t worry about being overdressed if it’s convenient to come straight from the office. Assembly Area Ample parking is available in the depot grounds in Walcott Street. Administration and Logistics♦ Cost $15 per head (includes barbecue and most drinks) - $10 for current unit members. ♦ Payment Send a cheque with your reply form or you can pay at the door. ♦ RSVP 8 March. Please use the enclosed form or phone Peter Morton on 3848 4736 ♦ Drinks A fruit punch & soft drinks will be available for those wishing to avoid alcohol. ♦ Rations The unit Catering Section will be providing a gourmet barbecue. ♦ Ties Some new pattern QUR ties will be available for sale at $20 – lapel pins too. Command and Signals◊ Executive Committee HQ will be located adjacent to the bar. ◊ Name tags will be available showing the vintage of your QUR service.
Association Office Bearers
Back to the Regiment Reply Form
QUR Association c/-2IC QUR 24 Walcott Street St Lucia 4067
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Period of Service in QUR From: ____________ to ______________ (eg 1965-1968)
Yes I will be attending!
The number of people in my party will be: _____________________
My cheque (payable to QUR Association) for $ ___________ is enclosed. (Cost is $15 per head which includes barbecue and most drinks - $10 for current unit members)
If you don’t get around to returning this form by 9 March please let Peter Morton know that you’ll be coming Phone: 3406 6820 (work), 3848 4736 (home); e-mail: pamorton@ozemail.com.au |