President's Report
Since the last magazine, we have had a few members rejoin the Association and a couple of new members. I wish to welcome James Jarvis, Malcom Robinson, Robert McGinley and Wayne Robson as new members. I also thank Dr. N. Cobbold, Mr. David MacGibbon, LTCOL Rob Byrne, LTCOL Ian Bunce, CAPT Bruce Foy, LTCOL Ken Gaulton, Mr. J. Guymer, Mr. Bill Kidston, MAJ Pat O’Keefe, BRIG Paul O’Sullivan for renewing membership.
In 1981 out of 11 graduates 3 are left in the system; 1984 11 graduates 1 left in the system; 1985 6 graduates 4 left in the system; 1986 18 graduates 5 left in the system; 1987 8 graduates 2 left; 1988 15 graduates 1 left; 1989 19 graduates 3 left; 1990 7 graduates 0 left; 1991 19 graduates 3 left and 1992 30 graduates 8 left. Of most importance is the Back to the Regiment Night on Friday the 17th of March at the Standfast Club at the Regiment. I hope that as many of you as possible may come to this function. It is probably the most important function of the year. In past years it has been well attended and I hope that this year’s will be bigger and better than before. It is a great night. One other advantage of the evening is that in these days as the Regiment’s major role is to train officers the Club is not as substantial financially as it has been in the past. Thus the Back to Regiment night injects much needed money for the benefit of the soldiers in the unit. As to the Unit history, we hope to finalise the amassing of relevant historical information in the next month or so. Then we can determine the various options available. I should also mention that the Association is continuing with its support of the Regiment by purchasing books to be presented to the top 2 students on the present training course. If any member has any suggestion they are welcome to contact me on 32211275. Paul SmithFrom the Commanding Officer’s Desktop
Another group of Officer Cadets and support staff also had a fleeting Christmas and New Year break. The Officer Induction Module commenced on 3 January because the University Open Weeks have generally been earlier due to the impact of the Olympic Games. A total of 34 commenced training (no not for the Olympics!) with 32 surviving the ordeal. There have been a few key staff changes. In short MAJ Rodney Laird has been posted to the Regional Training Centre (RTC-SQ) and has been replaced by the newly promoted MAJ Shauna Tompkins. The adjutant is Capt Lucas Saunders who last served at the Infantry Centre. The RSM, WO1 Dave Bennett will be hanging up his boots on 1 March and will be replaced by WO1 Lester Mengel who escapes from Army Personnel Agency Brisbane (APA-B). Most of the OC positions remain unchanged at this stage however some will be removed from their comfort zones as three-year tenures approach. They can expect change-over to occur in early December 2000 and February 2001. Many other unnamed but valued members of the Regiment have left but hopefully will return on another rotation when due. I hope to see many former and current members of the Regiment at the Back to the Regiment function on 24 March. WJ LYNCH LTCOL
Anzac DayThe RSM has advised the following arrangements and timings for the Regiment’s participation in Anzac Day observances: 0545 Unit embusses for Toowong RSL monument Sylvan Road, Toowong Memorial Park 0600 Assy area - form up under control of parade marshal 0615 Step off - march to monument form hollow square 0630 Service commences 0715 Service concludes - embus for St Lucia 0730 Gunfire Breakfast at Standfast Club Association members are cordially invited to attend the service and the subsequent Gunfire Breakfast at Walcott Street. The function is largely funded by the Toowong RSL but the Association has undertaken to provide a quantity of rum to lace the morning coffee.
Recent Transfers and Promotions involving members • Brigadier Rod Hamilton, a former Regimental 2IC, is now Deputy Commander 1st Division. • Brigadier Peter Rule has transferred to the Inactive List. • Brigadier John Hammond - promoted to assume command of 1st Training Group/Regional Training Centre SQ
Colonel Garry Chandler, former CO and
Association Immediate
BACK TO THE REGIMENT NIGHTFRIDAY 24 MARCH 2000OPERATION ORDER 01/00SituationThis annual function continues to be a highly successful social function for the AssociationMissionAssociation members and their partners and guests are to RV in the Standfast Club, the soldiers’ club at the Regiment’s St Lucia depot, for an evening of good cheer with old comrades and new acquaintances from amongst the membership and those currently serving in QUR.
ExecutionGeneral Outline: The activity is to be conducted in 5 phases: ♦ Phase 1 Concentration ♦ Phase 2 Drinks and fellowship ♦ Phase 3 Barbecue meal ♦ Phase 4 More drinks and the exchanging of yarns ♦ Phase 5 Departure
Groupings and Tasks Groupings will be fluid and the task is to have a good time.
Co-ordinating Instructions H Hour 1800 hours (no problem if you can’t arrive till a little later) Dress Smart casual but don’t worry about being overdressed if it’s convenient to come straight from the office. Assembly Area Ample parking is available in the depot grounds in Walcott Street. Administration and Logistics♦ Cost $15 per head (includes barbecue meal and most drinks). ♦ Payment Send a cheque with your reply form or you can pay at the door. ♦ RSVP 17 March. Please use the enclosed form or phone Peter Morton on 3848 4736 ♦ Drinks A fruit punch will be available for those wishing to avoid alcohol. ♦ Rations The unit Catering Section will be providing a gourmet barbecue. Command and Signals◊ Executive Committee HQ will be located adjacent to the bar. ◊ Name tags will be available showing the vintage of your QUR service.
2000 Calendar of Events◊ Friday 24 March - “Back to the Regiment” Night ◊ Tuesday 25 April - Anzac Day ◊ Monday 1 May - Official Birthday of the Regiment ◊ Saturday 13 May - Regimental Dinner (NB This is a unit function not an Association function) ◊ Friday 15 September - Association Annual Dinner ◊ Friday 24 November - Christmas Drinks (in the city after work) ◊ Monthly drinks – Victory Hotel on the last Friday evening of the month